Dr. Ketan Suthar

Laparoscopic splenectomy

Laparoscopic splenectomy

Commonly the Laparoscopic splenectomy is used to treat or remove the spleen from the body. It is the organ situated lower the right side of ribs that helps to prevent the body from the virus attach or infections. Moreover, it helps to filter the blood from unnecessary material like old or damaged blood cells.

Usually, the Laparoscopic splenectomy procedure requires when the spleen is ruptured and needs immediate or safe removal from the body. Other than the removal of raptured or damaged spleen it helps to remove the infection, treat the tumor or the spleen enlargement issues. In the procedure, the surgeon uses a small camera or other instruments that make the surgery easier. A person needs to stay in the hospital until fully recovered.

What are the reasons to do Laparoscopic splenectomy?

The Laparoscopic splenectomy is the treatment that helps to treat the common problems with the spleen includes its removal, treat infection, and multiple others. To understand the reasons for the Laparoscopic splenectomy it is good to review the following reasons:

  • It helps to remove the injured or damaged spleen that occurs due to abdominal injury or to avoid internal damage or bleeding.
  • The treatment is effective to treat the pain or other symptoms caused by the enlarged spleen.
  • It is a way to treat blood-related complications like the removal of bad blood or damaged blood cells through the Laparoscopic splenecto
  • The surgery helps to avoid or remove the tumor, cancer, or infection that affects the lymphatic system.
  • Doctors suggest the Laparoscopic splenectomy treatment in case of the inflammation or infection cause inside the spleen or around it.

What is the risk involving in Laparoscopic splenectomy?

In general, the Laparoscopic splenectomy procedure is considered safe and did not offer any risk or complication. But on the other hand, it is related to the surgery that brings a certain risk that the patient needs to discuss with the doctor at first. Some common risk involved with surgical treatment are:

  • Bleeding
  • Injury to other organs like stomach, pancreas, or others
  • Blood clots
  • Infection

In general, the Laparoscopic splenectomy procedure is considered safe and did not offer any risk or complication. But on the other hand, it is related to the surgery that brings a certain risk that the patient needs to discuss with the doctor at first. Some common risk involved with surgical treatment are:

How to be ready for the Laparoscopic splenectomy?

According to the specialist, it is important to have an appointment with the doctor and discuss all aspects of the surgery before going towards the procedure. It includes safety measures, the risk involved, and how to be prepared for the operation. First of all, it is essential to stop taking medication of all kinds includes supplements, antibiotics, etc. You have to increase the daily healthy diet to prepare your body the handle the situation. You have to undergo the vaccine or blood transfusions to ensure the safety and blood cell level in the body after spleen removal.

What is the expectation with the procedure?

When the treatment begins patient receives the amount of anesthesia that helps to numb or make a person fall asleep. During the procedure, the doctor’s team has to monitor the blood level, pressure, oxygen level, and keep a check over the heart rate as well. In the procedure of Laparoscopic splenectomy surgeon use to make small cuts in the abdomen to insert a tiny camera that helps and directs the whole operation.

The procedure is not suitable for everyone those with a large spleen size have to shift towards the traditional or open splenectomy.

When the procedure is completed then the patient needs to stay in the hospital for almost two to six days or depend on the recovery time. Moreover, a person should focus on the instructions provided by the health care advisor related to diet, stay in the hospital, and other physical activities.

Future complications

The role of the spleen in the body is important in that it helps to prevent the body from the attach of infection or remove unnecessary elements. A person without a spleen can get the infection or sick easily. Further, the recovery after having the injury is quickly difficult. A person will experience certain complications like:

  • Fever
  • Redness or spot over body
  • Sore throat
  • Chills with shaking or shivering

In case of any of the symptoms, it is suggested to contact the doctor immediately to avoid further complications.

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