Dr. Ketan Suthar

Breast cancer

Breast cancer

Breast cancer is one of the commonly reported cancers in women. The production of cancer is rare but possible in men as well. Breast in actual is a combination of different tissues and complex structure system that connects the fatty tissues and a network of lobes with each other. These lobes are connected with glands and lobules that carry milk from lobs to nipples. The whole structure is knitted so well with an into infection control system within these cells as well.The problem being with the extensive growth of healthy cells in to a mass or sheet that turns out as tumor. Lately it can turn into cancerous cell and grow to spread to other parts of the body. In certain cases, the tumor is not cancerous but benign that will grow but not spread like cancerous tumor.

Breast cancer has the tendency to spread to other parts of the body and adjacent organs easily. These cells run through the blood stream and more to vessels and find a new host in the body as well. The treatment for breast cancer is always better at its early state as it seems controllable in such situation.

Types of breast cancer

The cancer can be invasive and non-invasive in nature. Invasive cancer spreads into surrounding issues or even distant organs at a certain stage. While the other one does not spread but it growing in the breast only. Based on the growth of cells the breast cancer is divided into two type, ductal carcinoma and invasive lobular carcinoma.

Ductal carcinoma

The cancer cells grow in the milk ducts and spread out at the majority of breast. It has further two types:

Ductal carcinoma in situ

It is a non-invasive type of cancer that only grows in the duct and do not spread outside the duct in any case

Invasive or infiltrating ductal carcinoma

The cancer has the tendency to spread outside the duct to other part of breast and body

Invasive lobular carcinoma

The cancer grows in the lobules and has the tendency to spread outside lobules, as it grows further.


Detecting in time breast cancer is important in all cases. Unfortunately, at the early stage, there is no significant change in the body structure or appearance at all. Gradually there can be some signs and symptoms that alarm a female in certain cases. Here are some early signs that everyone should observe.

Feeling a lump making a hard knot in the breast causing its thickening. It can be anyone in the breast or under arm area. Observe the other breast at similar angle to identify difference or similarity

  • Observe changes in the size or shape of breast
  • Sudden bloody nipple discharge from both or one breast
  • Physical changes to nipples such a turning inward or sore
  • Scaliness, puckering and dimpling on the skin surface
  • Red, warm and swollen breast
  • A particular pain in the breast that does not go away

Feeling a lump making a hard knot in the breast causing its thickening. It can be anyone in the breast or under arm area. Observe the other breast at similar angle to identify difference or similarity

Diagnosis and tests

In the tests, there are pictures taken inside of the body and specialists will analyze them. In case of breast cancer, there will be imaging of inside breast to know about the growth of any cells in there. Other than simple imaging test there can be following options as well:

  • Diagnostic mammography
  • Ultrasound
  • MRI

All these three options are there as a sub branch of imagining using different technologies to come up with the best results about the growth of cancer cells in the breast area.


The other way around to find out more about these cancer cells is the biopsy. When there is a growth of cells, the surgeons gets a part of these tissues from the breast to testify it for further examination. After going through pathology testing, they find out about the nature and growth of these cells in the body. It seems a next level option for testing and diagnosing the nature and state of cancer. Biopsy can be of following types:

  • Fine needle aspiration biopsy
  • Core needle biopsy
  • Surgical biopsy
  • Image guided biopsy
  • Sentinel lymph node biopsy


To treat the breast cancer there can be different treatment options doctors may consider. The options to try in every care are different and mostly based on type of cancer, its stage and overall growth. In these options one have the surgery, radiation, oncology and medical oncology.


It is one of the best and feasible options when there is an initial growth of cancer cells in the body. It seems easier to remove the smaller part of it and end further growth of cancer cells in the body. In the surgery involves two types of options lumpectomy that involves removal or tumor and mastectomy that involves the removal of entire breast. It depends on the condition of cancer to decide on the surgery type.


The other option of treatment is to use radiation to burn out and make the cells dead in the breast. It turns out another feasible option that works under certain conditions. However, the treatment comes up with some of its own challenges.

Risks and benefits

Breast cancer can be life threatening on its advanced stages and come up with a number of challenges for the patients and survivors as well. In the worst case scenario there can be a breast removal to save a life. Other than physical challenges, it turns out a huge emotional, psychological and social pressure on the patient and the family as well.

Things may not go smooth in every case because other medical conditions can be a risk or challenge for medical team and patient herself. However, with proper medical care, emotional support and therapies it is possible to deal with the situation. In certain cases, the survivor may not require any further medication or follow-up. However, sometimes they have to keep the track of cancer cells in the body and take medications to avoid future complications.

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