Dr. Ketan Suthar



Appendectomy involves a surgical procedure to remove the infected appendix from the body to avoid further infection and issues. The infected appendix that is known as appendicitis has a risk of bursting leads to the release of stool and bacteria in abdomen. The situation can get worst if there are no proper measures taken in time.

Dr. Ketan is one of the promising surgeons providing in time and secure Appendectomy for the patients. The facility at surgical center support overall procedure, tests, diagnosis and surgery as well. There are all facilities available to take care of every single patient and providing best healthcare facilities before, during and after surgery.

Symptoms to consider

Appendicitis is not a suddenly emerged problem in nature. There are slow goring symptoms and signs one needs to observe in this case. The body displays some of the changes to alarm about it.

  • Loss of appetite
  • Abdominal pain in the navel area
  • Light fever
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Nausea or vomits occasionally

Possible treatments

To treat the infected appendix of a patient there are two different treatment options available. Surgeon recommends appropriate treatment according to patient’s condition.


The surgical treatment to deal with appendicitis is Appendectomy. It is the safety and appropriate way out to clear the infected appendix from the body in time. Surgeon makes an incision for about 2 to 4 inches long in the lower side of abdomen. The slit is right at the location of appendix so there will be an appropriate deal out of the matter. They wash out the area with sterile fluid after removing the appendix from the intestine. The recover takes a bit of time deepening on the patient’s recovery speed and condition. The surgery is not critical if it’s done in time. In case of burst out, things can be complicated and risky at times.


The surgical removal makes it safe for the person to have issues with appendix in future. Sometimes the early diagnosis can lead to medication and treatment but that is in rare and very early stages. Commonly the surgeon gives you antibiotics and observes the improvements in condition. It is all about reporting to a professional in time and gets assistance right in time. The nonsurgical option is safer for majority of people but it has chances of reoccurrence at any stage in life


For the accurate diagnosis and finding out the accurate outcomes the physicians lookout for the medical history. Major focus will be on the abdominal pain and its positioning. If the patient does not have any previous history of abdominal pain, then it turns out as suspected appendix issue. In the medical sciences, there are no such tests or scans that help with the diagnosis. A physician can only evaluate the relevant events and proceedings to come up with an appropriate diagnosis in this case.

Risks or benefits

Removing the appendix leads to no threats of appendicitis in future. It eases the pain and reduces further infection or critical condition that an infected burst organ can cause in the body. If there is no successful in time removal of appendix from the body, its burst can lead to multiple issues the infection will leads to intestinal blockages, abdomen infection, hernia, premature delivery, pneumonia and even death. In cases of burst, the surgery is critical and takes more time than any regular surgery.

Preparing for operation

Appendectomy is commonly an emergency surgery procedure. With an immediate diagnosis and intense painful condition, surgeons move towards the immediate action. In case, it is a planned surgery that any patient demand from slight pain then surgeons have a different kinds of adjustments.

The immediate actions that are considered in the operation preparation are the medical history. You need to share each detail about the current medication, previous medical history, any allergies or infections. People suffering from any other chronic disease or intolerant to anesthesia should mention it with the doctors.

Surgery on go through the whole history at once and come up with an appropriate alternative to situation. It can be time taking sometimes but end up with values results. Just make sure if you are feeling any of such symptoms or pain, reports to doctor immediately. It can help in saving time and getting best treatment in time.

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