Dr. Ketan Suthar

Laparoscopic Rectopexy

Laparoscopic Rectopexy

Laparoscopic rectopexy is known as the surgical treatment used to treat rectal prolapse. In people having a problem with the rectum disposition, suggested undergoing this surgery to treat the problem and restore the accurate position of the rectum in the pelvis.

What is mean by rectal prolapse?

Rectal prolapse is the problem in people who are week and loss the support function of the rectum. In this situation rectum usually fold on itself and bulges through the anal canal. The situation is painful and severe that can cause restlessness or other complications like changes in bowel habits, rectal bleeding, etc.

What is Laparoscopic rectopexy?

Laparoscopic rectopexy is the common surgical treatment use to treat or repair the rectal prolapse. In the surgery, a professional surgeon will undergo the procedure and restore the rectum to its original position and it will no longer bulge in the anal canal. In the procedure, the small thin camera uses to follow the inside movement that helps in the surgery.

What is the risk associated with Laparoscopic rectopexy?

Laparoscopic rectopexy is related to the surgery procedure to treat rectal prolapse. It is highly risky and requires serious consent from the patient. The risk of the procedures depends on the technique and process used to perform the surgery. Moreover, it is dependent on the professional surgeon who is going to conduct the procedure. Here are some common complications that can cause risk:

  • Bleeding
  • Bowel obstruction
  • Infection
  • Narrow anal opening
  • Recurrence of rectal prolapse
  • Constipation
  • Fistula
  • The risk to cause damage to nerves or organs

How to prepare for surgery?

While preparing for the surgery it is important to be ready physically or mentally as well. In the procedure all you need to follow the doctor’s advice and get prepare for the rectal prolapse surgery:

Clean yourself with the medicated soap, it is important before the surgery to avoid the infection or prevent the skin from germs. Usually, antiseptic soaps are recommended for cleaning before surgery.

According to the procedure and doctor’s instructions, you need to stop taking medication. You can only take the medicine advised by the doctor to use before surgery.

Right after the surgery, you are required to stay in the hospital for one or two days to get medical care. So, it is essential to prepare yourself by carrying the necessary items that are required during the stay at the hospital. The things are related to personal care like:

  • Clothing, slippers, and comfortable clothing accessories
  • Books, game, or other entertainment stuff for the quality time
  • Personal care products like toothbrushes, hairbrushes, washing supplies, etc.

How the procedure will start?

In general, the rectal prolapse is done through the abdomen, it can be an open surgery or through the laparoscopic method. Before the surgery patient may experience the interaction with the anesthesia to numb or fall asleep during the surgery. The dosage of the anesthesia is depending on age, gender and other related factors include health as well. Before the procedure you have to discuss a lot with the doctor includes the nature of the treatment, complications, risks involved, alternatives, and other things.

After surgery recommendation

Right after the surgery patient need to stay in the hospital until the bowel regaining strength or function properly. At this time health advisor suggests consuming water and solid foods. Further, the stay time in the hospital is more dependent on the procedure you took. In the diet, it is suggested to consume fluid other than solid and some fiber rich items as a stool softener. It really helps the pelvic to regain strength and recover quickly. Usually, people will get back to routine within six weeks after surgery.


Rectal prolapse surgery Laparoscopic rectopexy is common to treat the problem and give ease after the procedure. It occurs through the abdomen and focuses to regain the position of the rectal prolapse. There are multiple techniques use in the medical industry to get the most effective and promised results. Usually, people experienced the problem of constipation after surgery that can be a problem if a person not having it before surgery. So, it is recommended that should consult and discuss the condition with your surgeon.To treat the rectal, prolapse, Laparoscopic rectopexy is the common treatment people adopt with professional assistance.

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