Dr. Ketan Suthar

Gynecologic Cancers

Gynecologic Cancers

Gynecologic Cancer refers to any caner that is linked with female reproductive system. The growth of cancer cell in the female reproductive organs leads to five different types of cancer that includes, cervical, vaginal, uterine, and ovarian and vulvar cancer. In the group of five, there is another sixth but rare kind of cancer exists that is fallopian tube cancer.

In the female pelvis area, these cancers begin at different locations with their specific symptoms, signs, risk factors, treatments and prevention options. The risk of facing any of these caner increase with the growing age and related to other types of diseases as well. An early diagnosis of these cancers can actually help with effective survival and damage control in the body.

Cervical cancer

One of the triggers for the cervical cancer in females is the Human Papillomavirus HPV infection. A female suffered from the infection is more likely to have chances of cancer growth in cervical area. It is not sure that every infected female will have the chance but there are high chances of cancer overall. Going through multiple deliveries, smoking and using contraceptive pills will trigger the cause of cancer in such females at large. Another reason of infection and cancer can be a weak immune system.


The common symptoms of the cervical cancer are the vaginal bleeding even after intercourse, pain in the pelvic area, painful intercourse and vaginal discharge. These symptoms may not be the same or all at once in every case but are an alarm for examination. With the timely diagnosis, it is possible to get better treatment in time. The woman needs to consult her doctor if facing any of these symptoms.

Diagnosis and tests

For the detection of problem and diagnosis of cancer cells in the cervical area, medical professionals have numerous options.

Physical examination

When you reach out with all of these or any of these symptoms to a doctor, the person will ask for a physical examination and medical history. It involves a series of questions about your routine, previous sexual encounter, infections and other problems. It helps the doctor to evaluate the next step for further examination.

Pelvic examination

After getting the physical examination and previous medical history, for better diagnosis, doctor prefers to go for pelvic examination. Using the surgical apparatus the professional examine the cervix condition and any cell growth inside that can be damaging or turns out as cancer cells.

Pap test

The next stage test that helps of collects the cells from the cervix and vaginal surface for examination. Using the pap device that includes cotton and brush supported by a wooden stick, professional collect the cells from upper surface of cervix. Later these cells undergo an examination to observe any abnormal condition in there.

HPV test

The test runs through DNA or RNA to evaluate any certain HPV infection in the body. It helps in finding any extension of the infection that prevails from the past.

End cervical curettage

The procedure relates to the collection of cells from cervical canal using a spoon shape instrument curette. Further, professionals check out these samples under microscope for their identification as normal or abnormal.


The procedure involves inspection of cervix for any abnormal cell production and taking tissue samples using curette for further examination.


The final call is the biopsy to get more information about abnormal cells found in the Pap test. It helps them to study these cells pathologically in order to find out their origin, type, spread and kind.

Treatment and Recovery

The treatment options and recovery options depends on a few important factors. It is more about the cancer stage, its diagnosis, age of patient, medical history, type of cervical cancer and patient’s will to have babies. Another important thing to notice is the recurrence or diagnosis or the cancer. In case of reoccurrence, the treatment options are limited and sometimes strict for action to save the life of patient. The cancer can cause patient to make hard choices in time.

Ovarian cancer

Females having a history of ovarian cancer in their family are likely to have more chances of cancer occurrence in their life. The risk factor for such cancer is higher for these females are research explains, ovarian cancer is genetically transmitted in bloodline. Other reasons of the cancer can be endometriosis, obesity, height more than average, postmenopausal hormone therapy..

The Ovarian cancer is similar to primary peritoneal and fallopian tube cancer in nature. In fact their diagnose and treatment is similar in nature. With the growing age, females have more chances to encounter the cancer cells.


  • The common signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer are the following:
  • Immense pain, swelling and pressure in the pelvic or abdominal area
  • No urine control and frequent urination
  • Loss of appetite and trouble eating
  • Feeling limp in pelvic area
  • Bloating, constipation and other gastrointestinal issues

It is not necessary that these symbols lead to one definite diagnosis but an alarm to count on. Consulting your doctor on having any of these or most of these symptoms is essential and can save your life.

Diagnosis and tests

To reach out the complete diagnosis, professionals will look into all available multiple diagnostic options. From physical examination to advance testing, they prefer to come up with every possible lead for the cause.

  • Medical history and physical examination
  • Pelvic examination
  • CA 125 assay
  • Ultrasound
  • CT scan
  • MTI
  • PET scan
  • Chest x-ray
  • Biopsy

Focusing on the stage of diagnosis and condition of patient, doctor can suggest any of these test options. Every scan and imaging leas to ultimate biopsy in most of cases when there is an existence of cancer cell in the body. Biopsy actually helps in defining the type, stage and seriousness of the cancer production in the body.

Treatment and Recovery

Shifting from the diagnosis to treatment there are certain points doctors consider. In fact, these factors affect the recovery speed and condition as well.

  • Spread of cancer cells in ovaries and other areas
  • Cancer cell stage and type
  • Pervious medical history
  • Reaction to multiple treatments and drugs in general

It can be hard for a female to undergo the procedure and deal with all these challenges to recovery. The recovery requires emotional and psychological support along with medications and surgeries. The complete recovery can be conditional in cases. Not all the patients have similar response to medication and therapies.

Uterine sarcoma Treatment

Uterine sarcoma is relatively different from typical cancer cells. These cells grow with the inner lining to uterus and a rarely found cancer. Mostly, the history of radiation therapy in pelvic area can risk the occurrence of uterine sarcoma. Moreover, the breast cancer treatment using tamoxifen can trigger the issue later in the body. It is better to have a regular checkup if you have any such encounter previously.


The abnormal bleeding is one of the common and leading symptoms of uterine sarcoma. If you are experiencing bleeding other than menstrual cycle, after menopause, and in any other random condition, it is an alarm. Another symptom can be rapid urination and tight abdomen along with a mass in vagina. You may feel something in the cavity that make keeps you bugging for no reason.

Following these conditions, it is necessary to consult your physician. The symptoms by be confusing with any other disease but a detailed diagnosis can help you with solution.

Diagnosis and tests

Just like the other cancer options, for uterine sarcoma you do have a similar range of diagnosis tests. These tests and options move gradually to an advance level in order to come up with the ultimate results.

  • Medical history and physical examination
  • Pelvic examination
  • Pap test
  • Transvaginal Ultrasound
  • Dilatation and curettage
  • Endometrial biopsy

Treatment and Recovery

Professionals can define the treatment options after evaluating the cancer stage and its type. Surgery and therapies are always an option but sometimes medication can do the magic. The treatment and recover mostly depends on the state of cancer, type and size of cancer cells, previous medical history, age, and time of diagnosis. An early diagnosis can help with quick recovery options and more stable condition.

Vaginal cancer

Vaginal cancer is not common in majority of cervical cancer cases. The HPV infection encounter and older age increase the risk of such cancer at large. High chances of cancer do not refer to absolute cancer diagnosis in elder females or females with a history of HPV infection. It is all about taking care and monitoring health accordingly.

Vaginal cancer can be of two types:

Squamous cell carcinoma – it involves the formation of flat cancer cells in the inner lining of vagina. The cell grow is thin and slow that surround vagina initially but later can spread to liver, lungs and even bones.

Adenocarcinoma – the other type involves cancer cell production in glandular cells. These cells are responsible to release fluids in the lining of vagina. The growth can spread to lungs and lymph nodes in serious cases.


The common symptoms of vaginal cancer include bloody and other discharge other than menstrual cycle. It makes the intercourse painful and cause immense pain after intercourse or randomly in the pelvic area. The person can feel a lump in vagina, go through constipation and feel painful urination.

The symptoms can be similar to any other condition. It is not possible to declare any of the or most of the symptoms as declaration of cancer. However, there has to be a diagnosis and review of the problem.

Diagnosis and tests

To come up with the final diagnosis about the vaginal cancer, professionals do have a number of tests and examinations. Based on these tests and examinations, they come up with appropriate findings and evaluate treatments.

  • Overall physical examination with knowing health history
  • Pelvic area examination
  • Pap test
  • Colposcopy
  • HPV test
  • Biopsy

These tests help to diagnose the type and stage of cancer. These details are essential to come up with an effective treatment strategy.

Treatment and Recovery

For the cure and removal of cancer, cells from vagina and stopping the reoccurrence there are numerous treatment options available. The doctors take up the medications, therapies, and even surgical removal of cells from the body.

Recovery and response to treatment can be different in every case. Based on immunity and other health factors patients will react to treatments differently. It takes a lot of time for the physical, emotional and psychological recovery of the patient.

Vulvar cancer

Vulvar cancer relates to the growth of abnormal cancer cell growth on the surface of vulvar skin. Gradually the growth extends and cause painful conditions with itching on the skin surface. It can be results of HPV infection and a history of genital warts. The unsafe sexual intercourse and sexual activities at young age can increase the risk of Vulvar cancer.


The extended growth on vulvar in the shape of wart or ulcer is one of the clear symptoms of cancer cells growth. In addition, the itching and bleeding along with pain are the other symbols to consider in such cases. The pain remains constant in the vulvar area and makes it uncomfortable to sit and move for the person.

Diagnosis and tests

To run the normal diagnosis and evaluate the type or stage of cancer there are following examination options doctors have.

  • Physical examination
  • Pelvic examination
  • HPV test
  • Pap test
  • Biopsy
  • Colonoscopy
  • MRI
  • PET scan
  • CT scan

Depending on the nature of condition and seriousness or matter the doctor can ask for the favorable test options.

Treatment and Recovery

Right after diagnosis, doctors select the possible and favorable treatment strategy for the patients. In certain cases, they have to come up with clinical testing to evaluate best treatment. The response to treatment by every patient can be different and based on multiple factors. It normally involves the cancer type, its stage, immunity level, and chances of reoccurrence.Along with physical recovery, doctors belief in providing emotional and psychological support to the patients during treatment. It helps them to get back with normal life and avoid further complications.

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