Dr. Ketan Suthar

Emergency abdomen surgery for peritonitis/ obstruction

Emergency abdomen surgery for peritonitis/ obstruction

Peritonitis is an inflammatory condition of peritoneum. It is a tissue lining that covers abdominal cavity from the inside and keeps all organs in their specific space. Peritonitis is a reaction of any bacterial infection caused by fungi or any other infectious happening. The inflammation can lead to the critical situation if left untreated. With the passage of time, the infection spread into blood and even other organs.

There can be a risk of multiple organ failure and even death in severe cases. It is essential to review and treat the problem in its initial stages with close observation. In the emergency cases, it requires an abdomen surgery to fix up the tissues and organs.


The common symptoms one can feel in case of Peritonitis are the loss of appetite, nausea and slight but continuous abdominal pain. It remains persistent and gradual increase with passage of time as inflammation increases and infection spread. Other symptoms that one can keep the track of are the fever, chills, less urination than regular routine, vomiting, difficult bowl movement, feeling fluid in abdomen and a regular unrest.

Peritonitis is one of the critical and alarming conditions that involve alarming symptoms. The pain does not get relief with slight treatment or painkillers. The person has to rush to emergency and consult a surgeon for diagnosis and further treatment.

Causes to trigger Peritonitis

Peritonitis is not a normally occurring infection in the body. It caused by two different sources. One is the primary Peritonitis that results as an infection in peritoneum due to any internal cause. While the secondary option comes from any injury or original infection in the abdominal cavity.

If a person is having infection in other organs of abdomen cavity, there is a possibility to have Peritonitis if the infection left untreated. It has to be observed carefully in order to avoid further complications. The rusk of Peritonitis is more in the people having liver disease, going through kidney dialysis and other organ support surgeries or medications. Any failed treatment of these organs can cause the serious outcomes.


For complete and timely recovery from the disease, it is necessary to have an in time diagnosis for sure. It turns out as deadly infection that can lead to a drastic health challenge for you. Just make sure you are reaching out the doctor in time. for the diagnosis professionals use to perform physical examination, ask about medical history, run blood and urine tests, go for the x-rays and scans most prominently CT scan to identify the situation.

Other than these tests, doctor may perform an exploratory surgery. The procedure is known as paracentesis. In the procedure surgeon take out the abdominal fluid from the abdominal cavity with the help of a thin and long needle. Later they test run the fluid in order to find out more about infection and lea towards its treatment.

Treatment and recovery

Right after diagnosis, the first steps are to admit the patient in hospital facility and start with the antibiotics and other medications. If it is, an early stage then medications can actually help to control situation. In case of its spread to other organs and cavity. There is a need for supportive treatments and covering other organs as well.

Sometimes, in the worst-case scenario, doctors have to perform an emergency surgery to remove the infection, fix up the damage and secure other organs as well. It can be tricky and time taking surgery but results will turn out to be best for the patient.

Recovery of the patient simply depends on the intensity of the case. If a person is just having infection at its beginning, then it seems easy to get better recovery in time. With an adverse condition of infection, it seems impossible to expect quick recovery.

Moreover, it is not just about a single infection but the other organs in the body. If infection reaches out the other organs, then surgeons and paramedics have to observe these organs and treat them in every appropriate manner.

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